Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A brighter morning

After venting my rage last night on here I felt so so much better. When Justin came in and wanted to visit I was able to tell him what happend without seeming personally hurt by it. The funny thing is he told Jim about the dogs and that I was livid about it and Jim was too. He wants to fire the nurses and find another company to help out.

D is feeling better, she was full of piss and vinegar yesterday gossiping on the phone to her relatives and talking shit about the nurses.

The nurses are frustrating for sure she said they didnt feed her yesterday so I made her lunch and snacks for today. I think about 75% of what she says is BS but we will see.

So much to do and so little time but today is my work Friday (tho I would rather be here right now than at home in chaos).

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