Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The great Chi Meltdown of 2010

We spent the first night in the new place last night. It wasn't bad except that poor planning means Andy has to stay at my moms and there are no curtains or anything on the windows. Andy is having a blast and I am glad he is there instead of with me unpacking and not having fun but I miss him.

My house is only half packed and the items that are at the new place include any heavy furniture or appliance (which is all currently in the garage) and "only the things you absolutely need for the week" And the kittens because it dawned on Justin and the last minute that no one was there to feed them if we left them in the other place.

All day yesterday I just wanted to watch tv, I know in the whole scheme of things tv watching in low priority but it was my background noise or my way to focus on something besides the running dialog in my brain. Well Justin took all the tvs to the new place and told me I didn't need it even though I was going to be stuck in the old house packing all day. I solved this problem by watching netflix but I was bothered by the fact that he didn't listen to me. Now that I look back I think it was more that he didn't understand what I wanted.

So last night I started coughing ( I have been coughing for like 3 weeks) but last night I could not catch my breath. I mean I was freaking out more because I couldn't breath and was coughing more because of freaking out. Justin started freaking out too because he kept saying "just go lay down and stop working. you need to go to the Doc because I don't think its nothing anymore" He was playing on his PC and also helping fix the bathroom sink and I asked if he could hook up the TV for me so I could watch and chill. Nope it didn't happen, we couldn't find the cable cord thingy..

Which brings us to the Great Chi Meltdown. My stupid hair straightener has issues and has had issues for a while. By issues I mean there is a short in the wire where it connects to the straightener which makes it turn on and off a bunch. This morning it stopped working completely. I think all the stress of the previous couple of days just came out at once. It was like an alien took over my body - an over emotional freaking out alien. I was waving my arms and crying and trying to communicate that my hair was going to look stupid and be frizzy all day. When Justin asked "don't you have anything to put in it like when you let it be curly?" I lost it. "You said only bring what was absolutely necessary and only that. I didn't bring everything because you said not to." OMG it was terrible.

During the whole episode I was thinking to myself "Chill out Julie its just a straightener, its only hair stop freaking out." I could actually feel my innner self laughing at my actions and it just made me even more crazy.

After I cried for a little while (being careful not to mess up my make up. Its too hard to get dressed in the dark to do it again). I played with the cord and made the damn Chi work again. I straightened my hair and made it to work on time. Of course its foggy and damp out so that means my hair is frizzy anyways but we don't need to rub it in or anything.

I told Justin I didn't know what was wrong with me and I am sorry for freaking out. I think its the chaos of not having anything settled. That and the coughing all night.

1 comment:

  1. nothing is wrong with you, these past few weeks have been MASSIVELY stressful, and something little was bound to let you find a freak out outlet. Glad you got it working for a little bit. You really should go to the Dr though!!!
