Thursday, December 16, 2010

I do NOT want to move

How the hell did I get roped into this? I do not like dirty nasty dogs...If you have dogs and keep them clean and take care of them then YAY I like you and your dogs. But these dogs are like someone elses bratty kids. I have no say and no control over anything.

The house stinks so bad that it makes me gag. I cannot live like that. I am goin to have to clean for like 2 weeks just to make it ok. There are 2 inches of dirt IN THE FRIDGE~!

Yes I am feeling sorry for myself and I am being selfish. They have been locking the dogs in the bedroom during they day so they dont piss and shit all over everything. MY GOD PPL REALLY!?! WTF!

If you have to lock your dogs in one room during the day (no matter how ofter you let them out) to keep them from shitting on the floor and pissing on everything then maybe the dogs should be outside dogs? maybe the dogs need a better place to live?

Did I say I don't want to move.... I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE THERE.

I am trying i promise i am trying to be positive. Its just when I ask Justin for more boxes and he says "You have enough." and I say the five boxes I had are full and the repsonse I get is "I dont really care, I am tired and going home to take a nap" The fuck you are...pack some shit, get me boxes, clean something...DO something.

He says I need to get more sleep. wtf? 8 hours a night is enough. I cannot afford to take a nap just because I am felling tired. I have things to do and the pressure to get them done is growing.

Lets not talk about WOW. I want to play and have been told that we are leveling together so I cannot play my priest. Which is my favorite toon and the only one I want to play. I dont even log in unless he is there and logged in as well. This morning he got mad when I asked him why he was playing his "saved' toon. He said he was not getting that mush more XP than I was and eventhough we agreed not to play those toons without the other person this wasnt a big deal. When I do get to play its stressful because he and jason want to go so fast and when I dont keep up or when i stop to pick a flower or somewthing he freaks out at me. He says "you need to make time to play or find to play and stop bitching at me about it" I wasnt bitching but oh well. why bother everythign I say or any questions I ask turn everything into an argument...well really it turns him into yelling at me and me into trying hard not to cry because it will make it all worse.

He also dropped the bombshell on me today that his mom is "loony toon - bat shit crazy" now. I am sorry and I know i am complaing about myself and there are others involved. I need to suck it up and get it over with. ..
I am rambling but i feel better. a little. I still just want to sleep like for DAYS and that not possible. Hey have a good vacation julie...instead of spending time decorating and getting ready for Christmas you get to clean someone elses shitty messes and pack your house and move and unpack and take care of a sick lady. Merry fucking christmas ...... maybe I dont feel better...i am just angry and now i have a work meeting which in comical in context.


  1. Julie, I just want to hug you for like, an hour...But then it would come off as probably 58 minutes too long and feel awkward and you'd probably think I wanted to have your babies or something and run off screaming, when really, I just wanna give you a huge and say I'm here!

    Ok I re-read that and it sounds so stupid...but I'm totally posting the comment anyhow. Because it had a point. I wish I could help you somehow. You are an AMAZING woman and I'm thinking of you! You know my # if you need ANYTHING

  2. Thank you Christy :) I would take that extra long hug and it would be awesome and not awkward at all.
